This online training program enables grain producers, and grain bulk handlers and accumulators, who wish to use METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant on cereal grains, to access the product from approved distributors/resellers. It aims to inform users on the correct use of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant in order to maximise product efficacy whilst also meeting standards for chemical residues in grain. This is mainly achieved by ensuring correct dosage and application through the use of properly calibrated equipment, and the maintenance of accurate records and documentation to prevent multiple applications of deltamethrin-based products such as METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant.
The training has several sections containing information relevant to management of grain storage pests, and, in particular to the use of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant. Each section deals with an aspect of grain storage pest control and the use of Methograin Delta IGR Grain Protectant. At the end of each section is an assessment comprising multiple-choice questions that are designed to assess understanding of key points of the training.
On successful completion of all assessments, a user number will be provided that can be presented or referenced when either selling or purchasing Methograin Delta IGR Grain Protectant.
Further information on management practices of on-farm and other bulk grain storage including insect control can be found at
Training modules:
- What is METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant?
- Why do suppliers and users of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant require training?
- Why, when and where can METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant be used?
- How to correctly use METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant – rates and application.
- How to use Vendor Declarations.
- Safety considerations when using METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant.
- What else to know about control of grain storage pests?
1.What is METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant?
METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant is an advanced, second-generation emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation containing a synergised contact insecticide and an insect growth regulator. Deltamethrin is the contact synthetic pyrethroid insecticide and piperonyl butoxide is the synergist that improves the performance of deltamethrin by inhibiting the natural defence mechanisms of the insect. S-methoprene is the insect growth regulator (IGR) that prevents insect development through the various life stages by mimicking the action of an insect growth regulation hormone, interfering with the normal development process and preventing maturation to adults. METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant therefore protects stored grain from insect attack through both direct contact action, as well as extended control by preventing development of successive generations of pest insects in stored grain.
METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant is for use on uninfested grain only. Grain that is already infested with insect pests should not be treated with a protectant. Infested grain should be fumigated to kill live insects present in the grain.
METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant can be used on all cereal grain including malting barley, maize, rice and sorghum. It is not suitable for use on oil seeds or pulses. The product can be utilised in the full range of sealed and unsealed storage types including silos, sheds and bunkers. METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant should be sprayed evenly onto grain as it is introduced into storage.
METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant brings the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin as an additional class of chemistry to the METHOGRAIN range of products. METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant comes in an easy-to-use formulation available in 1 L and 5 L packs. It is also available in a convenient 'grain pack'; the METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protection Pack is a twin pack containing a 1 L bottle of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant with a 0.3 L pack of METHOGRAIN Fenitrothion 1000 Insecticide. The addition of the organophosphate-based product METHOGRAIN Fenitrothion 1000 Insecticide ensures effective control of Sitophilus weevil in all grain types including wheat, malting barley, sorghum, maize and rice.
Where METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant will be applied as a tank mix, we recommend to use METHOGRAIN Fenitrothion 1000. Alternatively, chlorpyrifos-methyl can also be used as a tank mix with METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant to provide weevil control. However, this latter mixture cannot be used on maize, malting barley or rice.
2 . Why do suppliers and users of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant require training?
This training aims to ensure safe and proper use of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant in order to maximise the benefit of treatment for protection against various insect pests. Correct product use, especially careful dosage and accurate equipment calibration, will ensure optimum levels of control, as well as reducing the potential for the development of insecticide resistance through underdosing (leading to exposure of insect populations to sub-lethal levels of insecticide). A primary aim of this training program is to ensure that grain does not receive multiple treatments of deltamethrin-based grain protectant products that may lead to excessive deltamethrin residues in grain and possible rejection of grain shipments.
Completion of the program will result in the issuing of an Approved User Number that will facilitate the purchase of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant.
3. Why, when and where can METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant be used?
Grain protectants, like METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant, are used to help prevent pest infestations in stored grain by controlling insects as they invade or emerge within grain during storage. They should not be used to disinfest grain that is already infested. If live insects are present in the grain, and the grain is stored in a sealed silo, fumigation is advised.
Grain protectants work best when combined with meticulous storage hygiene and aeration cooling. Grain protectants are used primarily when residual control of storage pests is required in grain to be stored over an extended period. They are particularly useful when gas-tight sealable storage is not available to allow effective fumigation. Grain protectants can also be used to ensure security of planting seed being retained for future use.
METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant can be used on any cereal grain including wheat, rice, maize, malting barley and sorghum, provided they are not infested with insects. It should not be used on oil seeds and pulses. METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant should be used at the correct label rate and grain should only receive a single treatment of deltamethrin-based grain protectant prior to consumption.
METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant contains pesticide active constituents (deltamethrin and S-methoprene), therefore any grain treated with this product cannot be sold as pesticide residue free (PRF) or organically grown grain. Prior to use of a grain protectant, consideration should be given to where the grain may be sold and what restrictions may be in place regarding use of particular pesticide products.
METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant can be used in sealed or unsealed storages. Because it is a liquid, it is important to ensure the grain is evenly treated as it is augured, elevated or otherwise placed into the storage. Unlike fumigants, which are gases, METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant will not evenly distribute itself through the stored grain over time. Accurate application is therefore critical to maximise the efficacy of the product.
Some export markets do not accept any residues in their grain or residues exceeding an MRL (maximum residue level). In these instances, the decision to use a fumigant or protectant should be made with an understanding of what is acceptable in the target market.
4. How to correctly use METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant – rates and application.
The METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant label (APVMA Approval Number: 86506/115918) contains detailed information on how to use the product correctly. The following sections and statements relevant to the use of the product are specified on the label:
Mode of action: METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant contains both Group 3A (pyrethroids) and 7A (IGR) insecticides.
Note: The organophosphates METHOGRAIN Fenitrothion 1000 Insecticide and chlorpyrifos-methyl grain protectants that can be used as tank mixes with METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant are Group 1B insecticides.
Statement of claims:
For mixing with uninfested cereal grain, including malting barley, sorghum, rice and maize, for protection against various insect pests, including organophosphate-resistant strains.
Pest species controlled:
When used according to label directions, METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant controls the following grain storage insect pest species, including those resistant to organophosphates:
- Lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica)
- Saw-toothed grain beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis)
- Flat grain beetles (Cryptolestes spp.)
- Rust-red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum)
- Confused flour beetle (Tribolium confusum)
- Tropical warehouse moth (Ephestia cautella)
Additional information on pests controlled:
For control of rice weevil, granary weevil and maize weevil (Sitophilus spp.) and strains of pests in stored cereal grain which are resistant to, or naturally tolerant to, the pyrethroid group of insecticides, or to S-methoprene, a tank mix of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant and another registered insecticide, such as METHOGRAIN Fenitrothion 1000 Insecticide, is recommended.
- Do not apply more than one deltamethrin post-harvest treatment to stored grain.
- Do not use METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant if post-harvest application of a deltamethrin-based grain protectant has previously occurred.
- Do not move treated grain for 24 hours after treatment.
- Approved for use in WA by bulk handling authorities only.
Withholding periods:
Not required for METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant when used according to label directions.
When used in combination with METHOGRAIN Fenitrothion 1000 Insecticide, withholding periods apply, and grain should be held in store and not used for processing into food for human consumption or stock food for the following periods:
- Lower rate of 6 ppm treatment (6 mL product/L water/tonne of treated grain): Do not move treated grain for 24 hours after treatment, then withholding period not required when used as directed.
Rate of application:
Treatment of stored grain: 2 L METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant per 100 L of water; with dilute spray applied as an admixture to grain at a rate of 1 L per tonne of grain.
Period of control:
The above rate of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant will provide up to 9 months of protection of pests listed on the label.
General instructions:
- Do not store diluted insecticide; prepare a fresh solution as necessary.
- Do not spray the moving parts of any machinery, electric motors or switch gear with the water-based diluted spray.
- The diluted spray should be applied to the grain through standard grain spraying equipment using nozzles capable of delivering an even spray pattern and with the outlet of spray regulated according to the flow of the grain.
- The spray rate measured in litres per hour must equal the auger or elevator uptake in tonnes per hour. This ensures that 1 L of diluted spray is applied to each tonne of treated grain.
- Treated grain should not be moved for 24 hours after treatment.
- On completion, wash out spraying equipment, mixing and measuring utensils with water.
Guide to calculate the quantity of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant required to treat a given quantity of grain.
METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant should be used at the rate of 1 L of product per 50 tonnes of grain. To achieve this, the product needs to be diluted in water at a rate of 1 L of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant added to 50 L of water. This should then be applied at a rate of 1 L of the dilution per tonne of grain (all types). This is achieved as follows:
(i) Calculate how much METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant is required to treat a given quantity of grain:
- 1 L of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant (concentrate) treats 50 tonnes of grain.
- Treatment of 1000 tonnes of grain therefore requires 1000÷50 = 20 L of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant diluted at a rate of 1 L per 50 L of water.
(ii) Calibrate the sprayer to apply the dilution at a rate of 1 L per tonne of grain
- 1 L of diluted product should be applied per tonne of grain.
- Different grains will load through the auger at different flow rates.
- Adjust the sprayer to apply the diluted product at the required 1 L per tonne of grain.
- Auger loads a 20-tonne truck in 32 minutes.
- This means the auger loads at the rate of 20÷32 = 0.625 tonnes per minute
- Therefore, to achieve an application rate of the dilution of 1 L per tonne of grain, the rate of application of the dilution from the sprayer into the grain needs to be 0.625 L (=625 mL) per minute.
Note. It is important that grain is only treated once with METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant and that the grain is not treated again with deltamethrin-based protectants as the grain moves through the supply chain.
5. How to use Vendor Declarations.
METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant contains pesticides that have residual insecticidal activity and therefore, treated grain will contain chemical residues for a period after treatment. It is therefore important that buyers of grain are advised if grain consignments have been treated with a grain protectant, since they may not wish to use grain that has been treated with a protectant, or may need to advise markets how grain consignments have been stored and what chemical treatments have been applied and when.
Commodity Vendor Declarations (CVD) are an accepted means for the grain seller to provide information about the grain consignment being supplied to the buyer. This information includes any chemical treatments that have been applied to the grain. The CVD accompanies the grain consignment as it moves through the supply chain and can be in hard copy or provided electronically. There are a number of formats available from various sources. Grain growers and traders are advised to check if the market sectors being supplied have a specific type of vendor declaration. Grain Trade Australia provides a version of a Grain Commodity Vendor Declaration at GTA Commodity Vendor Declaration_Updated_May2012.pdf ( Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) also provide a CVD version (see to ensure control over grain fed to stock and to satisfy production assurance programs. For example, CVDs are mandatory when supplying grain to cattle feed lots operating to the National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme. CVDs are also required when supplying grain for milling and for export markets.
Both users of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant and buyers of grain treated with METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant should therefore ensure that grain consignments are accompanied by a completed and accurate CVD. Historical records should also be maintained in case of queries or issues and also to ensure that treated grain is not re-treated with deltamethrin-based protectants prior to final use.
6. Safety considerations when using METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant.
METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant is a solvent-based emulsifiable concentrate formulation containing the following active constituents:
- 50 g/L deltamethrin
- 30 g/L S-methoprene
- 400 g/L piperonyl butoxide
The METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant label lists the following statements and directions to ensure safe use of the product, including handling of the product in application and in relation to treated grain. It is important to read the label before use and ensure that precautionary statements are understood and safety directions are followed.
Signal headings:
Other limitations:
- RE-HANDLING: DO NOT handle treated grain until the spray has dried unless wearing chemical resistant gloves and a disposable dust mask covering mouth and nose.
Dangerous to fish and other aquatic organisms. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. - STORAGE AND DISPOSAL:
Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. Triple-rinse containers before disposal. Add rinsings to spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. If recycling, replace cap and return clean containers to recycler or designated collection point. If not recycling, break, crush, or puncture and deliver empty packaging to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant local, state or territory government regulations. Do not burn empty containers or product. - SAFETY DIRECTIONS:
Harmful if inhaled or swallowed. Will irritate the eyes, nose, throat and skin. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not inhale vapour. Ensure adequate ventilation when using the product. When opening the container, mixing and loading, or preparing the spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing), elbow length chemical resistant gloves and goggles. If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. If product in eyes wash it out immediately with water. Wash hands after use. After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing and goggles. - FIRST AID:
If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone 13 11 26.
If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. If in eyes wash out immediately with water.
The above label statements mainly reflect aspects of the active ingredients contained within METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant. These can be considered in order of use of the product as follows:
- (i) Mixing METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant with water to prepare the dilution to treat the grain.
See SAFETY DIRECTIONS - (ii) Storing METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant, containment of spills and disposal of packaging.
See FIRST AID - (iv) Restrictions on handling grain treated with METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant.
More detailed information relating to the safe use of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant is contained in the product’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS), some sections of which are presented and discussed below.
First Aid Measures if exposed to METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant
Exposure to METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant concentrate or dilution, in particular via contact with skin or eyes, can result from splashes, spray drift or inadvertent contact with contaminated gloves or protective equipment. Exposure can also result from contact with the treated grain. Symptoms from short term exposure to the skin may include itchiness and reddening of contacted skin. Facial skin contact may also cause temporary facial numbness. Short term eye exposure can result in stinging, reddening, and watering of the eyes. First aid measures for skin and eye contact are listed in the SDS (section 4) for METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant and are provided here as follows:
Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and wash with plenty of water and soap. If symptoms develop, seek medical attention.
Eye contact: If in eyes, hold eyelids apart and flush the eye continuously with running water. Continue flushing until advised to stop by a Poisons Information Centre or a doctor, or for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical advice. Take special care if exposed person is wearing contact lenses. Note: Speed in treatment is essential.
Accidental Release Measures in the event of spillage of METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant
METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant is dangerous to fish and other aquatic organisms. Because of the environmentally hazardous nature of this product, special care should therefore be taken to prevent spillage from entering drains or water courses.
Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up are listed in the SDS (section 6) for for METHOGRAIN Delta IGR Grain Protectant as follows:
Contain - prevent run off into drains and waterways. Stop leak if safe to do so and contain spill. Absorb onto sand, vermiculite or other suitable absorbent material. If spill is too large or if absorbent material is not available, try to create a dike to stop material spreading or going into drains or waterways. Because of the environmentally hazardous nature of this product, special care should be taken to restrict release to waterways or drains. Sweep up and shovel or collect recoverable product into labelled containers for recycling or salvage and dispose of promptly. Recycle containers wherever possible after careful cleaning. Refer to product label for specific instructions. After spills, wash area preventing runoff from entering drains. If a significant quantity of material enters drains, advise emergency services. Full details regarding disposal of used containers, spillage and unused material may be found on the label. If there is any conflict between this SDS and the label, instructions on the label prevail. Ensure legality of disposal by consulting regulations prior to disposal. Thoroughly launder protective clothing before storage or re-use. Advise laundry of nature of contamination when sending contaminated clothing to laundry.